Grand Technical and Social Challenges
in HRI
5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 2-5 2010, Osaka

Robots are becoming part of people's everyday social lives - and will increasingly become so. In future years, robots may become caretaking assistants for the elderly, or academic tutors for our children, or medical assistants, day care assistants, or psychological counsellors. Robots may become our co-workers in factories and offices, or maids in our homes. They may become our friends. As we move to create our future with robots, hard problems in human-robot interaction (HRI) exist, both technically and socially. The Fifth Annual Conference on HRI seeks to take up grand technical and social challenges in the field - and speak to their integration. HRI is a single-track, highly selective annual conference that seeks to showcase the very best research in human-robot interaction with roots in robotics, psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence, organizational behavior, anthropology, and many other fields. We invite broad participation.
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Latest News:
Posted in Authors, News on September 7th, 2009 by kanda – Comments Off on HRI2010 open submission for full papers
Submission deadline is 27 September 2009. Instructions are available at authors page. Review criteria is posted here.
Submission Website:
Important Dates
Posted in Authors, News on September 3rd, 2009 by Bilge Mutlu – Comments Off on Important Dates
Here is a list of important dates for the conference:
- 27 September 2009: Submission of full papers, and workshop/tutorial proposals.
- 16-22 November 2009: Rebuttal periods
- 7 December 2009: Notification of acceptance for full papers
- 15 December 2009: Submission of videos, and late-breaking reports
- 18 December 2009: Applications due for HRI Pioneers Workshop (
- 4 January 2010: Notification of videos, and late-breaking reports, Final camera-ready full papers due
- 31 January 2010: Deadline for early registration (
- 2-5 March 2010: Conference
Call for papers
Posted in Attending, Authors, Press on June 11th, 2009 by Bilge Mutlu – Comments Off on Call for papers
The call for participation is now available as an A3 Poster and as an A4 Flyer. Please download and distribute them.
A3 Poster |
A4 Flyer |
Posted in Technology on March 24th, 2009 by admin – Comments Off on Mobile Edition of the HRI2010 website
A special edition for mobile devices has been added to the HRI2010 website. When you access this web site with, for example, your iPhone, you will see a fast and small version of the web site.